Guys like bitches…or at least they like the chase


I am learning what guys like as I venture out into this world of dating. I was of the mindset that dating is hard enough so I was trying to make myself more available and make it easier on the guys so they didn’t feel so awkward and rejected. I was being too damned NICE. I wasn’t playing the game right..I was making myself too available.

So I have been talking to my girlfriends about my dating mishaps and they all came back with the same answer. You need to play hard to get, you are making yourself too available. So my friend E let me borrow her book called, “Why Men Love Bitches” by Sherry Argov. She said I was being too nice and I needed to make it so they pursued me instead of the other way around.

With much skepticism I started reading the book last night and boy do I feel dumb. I was doing EVERYTHING wrong!!! I was too freaking nice to these guys..I wasn’t playing the game. Well in my defense I don’t know how to play the game in the first place since I’ve never really dated. But, I needed to stop being so available and bending over backwards for them.

So J…oh J why do you have to be such a shy and awkward little B? I still like him but I have hung my hat up trying to get this guy. I am going to not make myself very available and see if he pursues me. If he does then I’ll decide if he’s worth it. I cancelled my friend request on Facebook to him and have kept all communication strictly about work. Except one email exchange about Legoland and asking if I should take my son there. Now I’m done and will not contact him at all.

So men like Bitches huh? Well I guess let the bitch come out and see what happens. No more nice girl from next door. Introduce the confident and sexy woman who is busy and unavailable yet occasionally shows a tiny bit of interest. Let the story unfold!

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